A t Keygadgets, you can always find top deals and expert advice, even in Switzerland. To allow you to place orders with Keygadgets from Switzerland, we collaborate with meineinkauf.ch. Our reliable and competent partner, meineinkauf.ch, handles all import duties for a small fee and delivers your goods conveniently to your doorstep. Before registering with Keygadgets, please briefly read the instructions so you can soon receive your package.
Easy and Convenient Shopping with Keygadgets from Switzerland
How it works:
This solution removes all the stress of international shopping, allowing you to focus on your favorite products. Register with Keygadgets and enjoy a worry-free, fast, and secure shopping experience!How to do it:
1. Register on meineinkauf.ch and get an email @meineinkauf.ch
2. Create a Keygadgets customer account using your @meineinkauf.ch email
3. Enter the specified shipping and billing address.
4. Relax: meineinkauf.ch will handle the delivery to your home.
For more information, visit meineinkauf.ch
How long does delivery take to Switzerland?
Indicated delivery time + 3 days.
What payment methods are available?
Credit card, PayPal, SofortÜberweisung, and prepayment. Other payment methods are excluded, as they may incur additional costs.
What does meineinkauf.ch do?
Meineinkauf.ch handles customs, ensuring a smooth delivery.
Are there additional fees for meineinkauf.ch?
Yes, from 17.90 CHF per order. The costs depend on the package size.